Okay I really don't think that anyone else does this but this past week has been too busy to post anything and now that Friday night is here and all is calm I thought I would take a minute.
Halloween was great we had a blast at the church party, My Hubby along with the youth put on a great spook alley, A little too scary for some but fun for them and it got the teenagers involved and at the activity. Followed by trunk-or-treating and then Trick-or-treating in the neighborhood.

Got to love my little mechanic. Grandma made the costume for my hubby when he was a kid.
Monday we had a awesome FHE where we talked about John 1:5 and went out to the grove of trees by our house to do it. I hope that it made an impression.
Tuesday I had a MRI on my wrist and now I am waiting for tricare to ok a referral to a hand specialist, It appears that one of the bones in my hand/wrist is out of a lineament. I just want to not have the pain. Slowly we are getting there but waiting on tricare between every step is slowing things down.
I also had 6 of the young women from church over to work on making their own purses. I think one more night should get them all done.
Wednesday the kids get out early from school. The weather was great so we finished moving some mulch from our trailer to the front flower bed. It looks great and I am glad to be done with it.
Training this week has been good I am running more and more. So far I have only run on a treadmill So that I can control the speed. I have also really enjoyed riding a bike. One less week until the race and things are going well.
I know that my life as a mom and wife is busy but I wouldn't trade it.