Chunky spaghetti sauce, What's in there hides better in lasagna
Whole wheat lasagna noodles, I switched to whole wheat noodles about
18months ago. Only one kids commented but she eats them.
Ricotta cheese
Cheddar cheese, I buy it in bulk shredded from Costco
My 12 yr old did the rest with a little help from a 3yr old who couldn't be left out. She did a great job. We did do something new we never drained the noodles just took them straight out of the hot water and one less dish to wash. Plus they never stuck together.
Everyone enjoyed the meal as a family. What a great out come.
And how nice for you to not have to cook for a night!
did you know that if you cook it slower, and use more liquid, you can use dry noodles. Info should be on the box. Mom
If you do it in a Dutch Oven you do not cook the noodles first. You just stack everything in the normal way and cook it.
I just read that a D.O. lid kept in place will create about a 3# pressure cooker. So leave it at least 30 minutes (like most things cooked in a D.O.).
Glad to hear you are preparing them for the future.
You can also buy oven-ready noodles ...that is what I do. no pre-work!
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